If you are facing trouble in accessing your account, then it could be an issue with forgotten password, forgotten username or with registered mail address. Try to enter the correct details for an authorized access to your account. If these are not your concern, then immediately mail us at [email protected].

To reset your password follow the below-mentioned steps:

1. Click on Forgot password link below the login page. A popup window will arise.

2. Enter the email ID with which you registered at Deccan Rummy and click on Submit

3. Check your email and follow the instructions given in the mail from Deccan Rummy. Click on the link given to reset your password. Enter the new password and click on confirm to change your password.

To Reset your username follow the below-mentioned steps

1. Click on Forgot password link below the login page. A popup window will arise.

2. Enter the email ID with which you registered at Deccan Rummy and click on Submit

3. Check your email. In the mail you received from us, we would have mentioned your ID after the salutation  <Dear "username">.  This is your username at Deccan Rummy. You can try logging in with the username you found there. If you still face trouble accessing your account, shoot an email to [email protected].